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Designing Soundscape for Sustainable urban development
Axelsson. Ö. (ed.). 2010. Designing Soundscape for Sustainable urban development. Proceedings from the conference with the same name. Oktober 2010. Pdf
Direct the city orchestra
An introduction to soundscape design. By: Gunnar Cerwén
Japanese sound culture
About Japanese sound culture. By: Imada Tadahiko. Pdf
Novel solutions for quieter and greener cities
Hosanna. (2013). Publication from the research project Hosanna, describing effects for different kinds of novel and green solutions for reduction of noise. Hosanna’s homepage | Pdf
Open Ears
Canadian composer Murray Schafer, founder of the World Soundscape project and author of The Soundscape – The tuning of The world writes about sound and listening throught the ages.
Sounds of history
Ljudmiljöcentrums skriftserie. Rapport nr 6 – Sounds of History, from symposium 27 oktober 2007. Editor: Frans Mossberg. Pdf | Order
Video clips on Youtube
The art of visualizing sound waves. Evan Grant and TEDTalks.
Outstanding Ben Underwood who is blind but learned to “see “with his hearing.
Evelyn Glennie
The acclaimed percussionist Evelyn Glennie is deaf, but knows how the sounds resonate in different parts of the body as she plays.
Alunda church choir plays the ground in northern Uppland with the new invention and instrument Terrafon. Instrument: Olle Cornéer and Martin Lübcke Conductor: Jan Hällgren. Read more.
Paviour concert 2008
A collaboration between Skådebanan, Västra Götaland and Göteborgs kulturkalas. Sound artist: Lars Carlsson. Paviour: Sture Johansson and Kjell-Åke Wensberg. Percussionist: Thommy Larsson and Per Ekblad.
Public loudspeakers
Information & Disinformation – Collage of Public Speakers. Henrik Rylander:
Singing road
In some places around the world there are highways that play tunes when you drive on them. The effect is a further development of the burgeoning safety lines that are often found along the roadside, also in Sweden. Listen to Scarborough fair in Japan.
TedTalk – Why Architects Need to Use their Ears / Julian Treasure
The sound expert Julian Treasure invites architects to take into account all the senses – including sound – in the design. Read more: Arch Daily
Vegetable orchestra
What is the sound of a carrot?
Listen to more sounds
6 villages
Research project following The world soundscape project and comparing how the sound landscape changed in different places between 1975 and 2000.
Atlas Obscura
Atlas Obscura “A Compendium of this ages wonders, curiosities and esoterica” – A collection of strange instruments, installations and other phenomena around the world.
British library sound archive
Sound documents are presented geographically. Soundscapes.
Edison’s phonograph
Edison’s first recording from 1877, when reciting “Mary had a little lamb” was never saved, but on Wikipedia one can listen to how the finished device marketed itself “I am the Edison Phonograph” (1906)
Listening exercises
Schafer, Robert Murray (1992), A Sound education – 100 exercises in listening and sound-making. Ontario: Arcana edition
Materials library
Institute of making, UK. Materials library
Musical Interval Tutor
Musical Interval Tutor. Listen to musical intervals online
Radio Aporee
Radio Aporee Sound Map all over the world where you can upload and listen to different sounds that are geographically placed on a map.
Sound sculptures, which are often based on a transfer of one place sound environment to another. Bill Fontana
Score for a hole in the ground
Enormous Suikinkutsu in the middle of a British forest.
Sound cartography
Listen to sound from around the world. Visit Sound cartography for a collection of sound maps.
Sound inserts
Ann Rosén and Sten-Olof Hellström investigate how people’s movement patterns are affected by sound installations. 2007
Sound Tourism
A Travel Guide to Sonic Wonders. Audio Tour. Platform to locate different audio events around the world.
Soundscapes of Swedish cities
Mind’n Ear. 1998. The sounds of Stockholm. The ambient sound recordings of Stockholm. CD: MNE001.
Hedfors. P. 2000. Ljudbilder från Uppsala: Soundscapes of Uppsala, Miljötorget CD. Order at
Collection page for different sound walks you can do online.
The world’s first audio documentation
Listen to the world’s first audio documentation. (Ny Teknik). American researchers have found a write-down of sound waves from 1860 – even earlier than Edison’s phonograph. With computer technology it has also been possible, for the first time, to play the unknown French singer who recites “Au Clair de la Lune”.
Sound portals
Ecophon Acoustic Bulletin
Gathers news and knowledge from all over the world about sound and acoustics. Offer subscriptions on email and RSS.
European project FAMOS (FActors MOderating people’s Subjective reactions to noise) investigated how various subjective aspects can moderate noise disturbance. The findings have been made accessible, see Project’s website. Project report. Guide book.
Nature Sound Map
A map-based collection of natural soundscapes around the world.
Nordic Sound Art
Nordic education cooperation on sound art.
Sound cartography
Listen to sound from around the world. Visit Sound cartography for a collection of sound maps.
Sound Environment Center in Lund
Center for research and a gathering for several aspects of sound and sound environment. Literature, publications, news and seminars, etc. Also offers newsletters about what’s happening in the world of sounds.
Sound portal Soundscape
Soundscape for better health – information on mainly acoustics and presentation of research at Chalmers.
The Australian Sound Design Project
Meeting place for Sound design in Australia. Library with sound samples.
The Freesound Project
Portal for exchange and free download of audio recordings from all over the world.
A portal for audio arts.
Urban Soundscapes Project
A research project for documentation of soundscapes based on 360 video and spatial audio. The site includes a reference library from documented cities around the word.
Network for Soundscape research
Center for research on positive aspects of sound and urban planning. Grenoble, France.
Dossier Soundscapes
A list of important websites, initiatives, projects, institutions, research groups and other links to Catalonia, Spain and the rest of the world.
European project FAMOS (FActors MOderating people’s Subjective reactions to noise) investigated how various subjective aspects can moderate noise disturbance. The findings have been made accessible, see Project’s website. Project report. Guide book.
National Research Network on Auditive Culture
Research Network in Denmark. Sound as art – Sound in history. Sound as culture – sound in theory.
Sound environment center
Center for several aspects of sound environment and research.
The World Soundscape Project
About Schafer with various work on documentation and examination of the sound landscape. Simon Fraser University in Vancouver.
Urban Soundscapes Project
A research project for documentation of soundscapes based on 360 video and spatial audio. The site includes a reference library from documented cities around the word.
World Forum for Acoustic ecology
Worldwide research network for acoustic ecology. With links and magazine series online as pdf: Soundscape: The Journal of Acoustic Ecology .