General literature
Amphoux Pascal. 1993. L’identité sonore des villes Européennes – Guide méthodologique, à l’usage des gestionnaires de la ville, no. 117, Cresson/Irec.
Augoyard, Jean, and Henry Torgue. 2006. Sonic experience: a guide to every day sounds. Montreal: Mc-Gill-Queen’s University Press.
Botteldooren, De Coensel, Van Renterghem, Dekoninck & D. Gillis. (2008). The urban soundscape a different perspective. In G. Allaert and F. Witlox (eds.), Sustainable mobility in Flanders: The livable city, pages 177-204. Institute for Sustainable Mobility, Ghent University, Belgium. Läs som pdf.
Brown A.L., Muhar A. (2004). An Approach to Acoustic design of Outdoor space. Journal of environmental planning and management. Vol. 47. No. 6. 827-842 Read as pdf.
Cerwén, G. 2017. Sound in Landscape Architecture. A Soundscape Approach to Noise. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU Alnarp.
Degen, Monica Montserrat. 2008. Sensing Cities: Regenerating Public Life in Barcelona and Manchester (Routledge Studies in Human Geography). New York: Routledge.
Hedfors Per. (2003). Site Soundscapes – Landscape Architecture in the Light of Sound. Doktorsavhandling vid Inst. För Stad och Land, SLU, Ultuna. Länk till pdf.
Hellström Björn. 2003. Noise Design, Architectural Modelling and the Aesthetics of Urban Acoustic Space. Doktorsavhandling. Bo Ejeby förlag.
Kang, J. & Schulte-Fortkamp, Brigitte (red.) (2016). Soundscape and the built environment. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis
Karlsson, Henrik (red.) 1998. From awareness to action. Proceedings from “Stockholm, Hey Listen!”. Stockholm: Kungliga Musikaliska akademien.
Kockelkorn A, Kleilein D, Pagels G und Stabenow C (Redaktörer) 2008 Tuned City – between sound- and space speculation. Kook Books
Pallasmaa, Juhani. 2005. The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses. 2Rev Ed ed. Chichester: Academy Press.
Rasmussen, Steen Eiler. 1964. Experiencing Architecture – 2nd Edition. London: The Mit Press.
Schafer R.M. 1977. The Tuning of the World. Alfred A. Knopf. New York.
Southworth, M. (1969). The sonic environment in cities. Environment and Behavior 1: 49-70. Abstract.
Sterne, Jonathan (red.) (2012). The sound studies reader. New York: Routledge
Truax. B. 1984. Acoustic Communication. Jersey: Abex Publishing Co.
Zardini, Mirko (redaktör). (2006). Sense of the City: An Alternate Approach to Urbanism. Canadian Centre for Architecture
Soundscape design
Adevi & Lieberg (2011). Stress rehabilitation through garden therapy: A caregiver perspective on factors considered most essential to the recovery process. Urban forestry & urban greening 11. 51-58.
Amphoux Pascal. 1993. L’identité sonore des villes Européennes – Guide méthodologique, à l’usage des gestionnaires de la ville, no. 117, Cresson/Irec.
Anderson, Mulligan & Goodman (1984). Effects of vegetation on human response to sound. Journal of Arboriculture. 10(2). Read online.
Augoyard, Jean, and Henry Torgue. 2006. Sonic experience: a guide to every day sounds. Montreal: Mc-Gill-Queen’s University Press.
Blesser, Barry, & Salter, Linda-Ruth. 2006 Spaces Speak, Are You Listening?: Experiencing Aural Architecture. London: The Mit Press.
Bolin, Nilsson & Khan (2010). The Potential of Natural Sounds to Mask Wind Turbine Noise. Acta acustica united with acustica. 96 (1): 131-137.
Botteldooren, De Coensel, Van Renterghem, Dekoninck & D. Gillis. (2008). The urban soundscape a different perspective. In G. Allaert and F. Witlox (eds.), Sustainable mobility in Flanders: The livable city, pages 177-204. Institute for Sustainable Mobility, Ghent University, Belgium. Läs som pdf.
Brown, A. L. & Rutherford, S. 1994. Using the sound of water in the city, Landscape Australia 2, pp. 103–107. More info.
Brown A.L., Muhar A. (2004). An Approach to Acoustic design of Outdoor space. Journal of environmental planning and management. Vol. 47. No. 6. 827-842 Read as pdf.
Bucur, Voichita. (2006). Urban forest acoustics. 1st ed. Berlin: Springer
Böhme, Gernot. 2000. Acoustic Atmospheres. I: Soundscape: The Journal of Acoustic Ecology, vol. 1 Nr. 1 2000. Pdf.
Cerwén, Wingren & Qviström 2016. Evaluating soundscape intentions in landscape architecture: a study of competition entries for a new cemetery in Järva, Stockholm. Journal of environmental planning and management. Link to pdf. (Manuscript, accepted version:
Cerwén, G., Pedersen, E. & Pálsdóttir, A-M., (2016). The Role of Soundscape in Nature-Based Rehabilitation: A Patient Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 13(12), Läs som pdf
Cerwén, Gunnar, Jacob Kreutzfeldt, and Carola Wingren. “Soundscape actions: A tool for noise treatment based on three workshops in landscape architecture.” Frontiers of Architectural Research 6.4 (2017): 504-518.
Cerwén, Gunnar (2016). Urban soundscapes: a quasi-experiment in landscape architecture, Landscape Research, Read as pdf (Manuscript. Published version:
Cerwén, G. 2017. Sound in Landscape Architecture. A Soundscape Approach to Noise. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU Alnarp.
Dawson (1988). Flight, Fancy and the Garden’s song. Landscape Journal. 7(2):170-175. Abstract
Degen, Monica Montserrat. 2008. Sensing Cities: Regenerating Public Life in Barcelona and Manchester (Routledge Studies in Human Geography). New York: Routledge.
DeGraaf, R.M. (2002).Trees, Shrubs, and Vines for Attracting Birds; University Press of New England: Hanover, NH, USA,
Dyrssen, Catharina. (1998). Eyes Letting Go. I Schafer & Järviluoma (red.) Northern Soundscapes – yearbook of Soundscape studies, vol. 1.
EU (2002). Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. (L 189). Official of the European Communities: European Union.
European Environment Agency. Research on noise.
EU. About EU:s policy and work against noise.
Forman, R.T.T. (2014). Urban Ecology: Science of Cities; Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Föllmer Golo. 1999. Klangkunst. Tönende objekte und klingende Räume. Laber-verlag.
Hedfors & Howell (2011). Urban Sonotopes: Towards a participatory design. Finnish Journal of Urban Studies, 2011:1, vol. 49, 24-43
Hedfors Per. (2003). Site Soundscapes – Landscape Architecture in the Light of Sound. Doktorsavhandling vid Inst. För Stad och Land, SLU, Ultuna. Länk till pdf.
Hellström, Dyrssen, Hultqvist, Mossenmark. (2011). Modeling the Shopping Soundscape Culture – What kind of acousmatic environment do you want to hear? Journal of Sonic Studies.
Hellström, Nilsson, Axelsson, Lundén. (2013). Acoustic Design Artifacts and Methods for Urban Soundscapes (4165), published in Journal of Architectural and Planning Research (JAPR). Read as pdf.
Hellström Björn 2001. Modelling of Sounds in Public Space. Conference paper: Sound Practice, College of Arts, Totnes, England, 16-20. Läs som pdf.
Hellström Björn. 2003. Noise Design, Architectural Modelling and the Aesthetics of Urban Acoustic Space. Doktorsavhandling. Bo Ejeby förlag.
Hellström, Björn. (2011). Slow Sound Art – a model for durable audio installations. Vetenskapsrådets yearbook Form och färdriktning.
Hosanna. (2013). Publication from the research project Hosanna, describing effects for different kinds of novel and green solutions for reduction of noise. Hosanna’s homepage | Pdf
Hällgren, Nina (2019). Designing with Urban Sound: Exploring methods for qualitative sound analysis of the built environment. Lic.-avh. Stockholm : Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, 2019 Pdf
Järviluoma, Helmi & Wagstaff, Gregg (eds.) (2002). Soundscape studies and methods. Helsinki: Department of Art, Literature and Music, Univerity of Turku.
Kang, J. & Schulte-Fortkamp, Brigitte (red.) (2016). Soundscape and the built environment. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis
Kang/Yang. (2005) Soundscape and Sound preference in urban squares: A Case study in Sheffield. Journal of Urban Design 10. 2005. Abstract.
Karlsson, Henrik (red.) 1998. From awareness to action. Proceedings from “Stockholm, Hey Listen!”. Stockholm: Kungliga Musikaliska akademien.
Kockelkorn A, Kleilein D, Pagels G und Stabenow C (Redaktörer) 2008 Tuned City – between sound- and space speculation. Kook Books
LaBelle Brandon. (2006). Background noise: Perspectives on sound art. Continuum international publishing group
Lacey, Jordan (2016). Sonic rupture: a practice-led approach to urban soundscape design. New York: Bloomsbury Academic
Lacey, Pink, Harvey, Qiu, Sumartojo, Zhao, Moore and Duque. 2017. Transurban innovation grant: Acoustic design interventions for managing motorway traffic noise by cancellation and transformation. Report published by Transurban. RMIT University. Pdf
Minard, Robin. (1993). Sound Environments. Länk 1999 Silent music – between sound art and acoustic design
Nilsson, M. E. & Berglund, B. (2006). Noise annoyance and activity disturbance before and after the erection of a roadside noise barrier.Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 119. 2178-2188. Abstract.
Nilsson, ME; Alvarsson, J; Radsten-Ekman, M; et al. (2010), Auditory masking of wanted and unwanted sounds in a city park. Noise control engineering Journal, 58 (5): 524-531 SEP 2010. Abstract.
Pallasmaa, Juhani. 2005. The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses. 2Rev Ed ed. Chichester: Academy Press.
Raimbault, M. Dubois, D. (2005). Urban Soundscapes: Experiences and knowledge. Cities.Vol. 22. Issue 5. Pages 339-350. Abstract.
Rasmussen, Steen Eiler. 1964. Experiencing Architecture – 2nd Edition. London: The Mit Press.
Rådsten-Ekman Maria. 2015. Unwanted wanted sounds: Perception of sounds from water structures in urban soundscapes. Doctoral thesis. Stockholms University. Link
Saadatmand, Rejeh, Heravi-Karimooi, Tadrisi, Zayeri, Vaismoradi & Jasper (2013). Effect of nature-based sounds intervention on agitation, anxiety, and stress in patients under mechanical ventilator support: A randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies. Vol. 50. Issue 7. Abstract
Sasaki, M. (1993). The preference of the various sounds in environment and the discussion about the concept of soundscape design. Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan (E) 14(3),189-195. Abstract.
Schafer, R. M. 1992. A Sound Education: 100 Exercises in Listening and Sound-making. Arcana Editions
Schafer R.M. 1977. The Tuning of the World. Alfred A. Knopf. New York.
Southworth, M. (1969). The sonic environment in cities. Environment and Behavior 1: 49-70. Abstract.
Stjerna, Åsa (2018). Before sound: transversal processes in site-specific sonic practice. Diss. Göteborg : Göteborgs universitet, 2018. Länk
Torehammer, Clas och Hellström Björn. (2012). Nine sound-art installations in public space. Conference paper: InterNoise 2012, New York, 19-22 August 2012
Truax. B. 1984. Acoustic Communication. Jersey: Abex Publishing Co.
Watts, Chinn & Godfrey (1999). The effects of vegetation on the perception of traffic noise. Applied acoustics. Vol. 56, Issue 1. Pages 39-56. Abstract.
WHO (2009). Night noise guidelines. Link
WHO. (2018). Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region. Copenhagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. Pdf
WHO (2000). Guidelines for Community Noise (Eds. B. Berglund, T. Lindvall. D. Schwela, & G. Kee-Tai). Geneva: WHO. Link
Zumthor, Peter. (2006). Atmospheres: Architectural Environments – Surrounding Objects. 1 ed. Berlin : Birkhauser: Birkhäuser Basel.
General about Soundscape design
Botteldooren, De Coensel, Van Renterghem, Dekoninck & D. Gillis. (2008). The urban soundscape a different perspective. In G. Allaert and F. Witlox (eds.), Sustainable mobility in Flanders: The livable city, pages 177-204. Institute for Sustainable Mobility, Ghent University, Belgium. Läs som pdf.
Brown A.L., Muhar A. (2004). An Approach to Acoustic design of Outdoor space. Journal of environmental planning and management. Vol. 47. No. 6. 827-842 Read as pdf.
Böhme, Gernot. 2000. Acoustic Atmospheres. I: Soundscape: The Journal of Acoustic Ecology, vol. 1 Nr. 1 2000. Pdf.
Cerwén, Wingren & Qviström 2016. Evaluating soundscape intentions in landscape architecture: a study of competition entries for a new cemetery in Järva, Stockholm. Journal of environmental planning and management. Link to pdf. (Manuscript, accepted version:
Cerwén, Gunnar, Jacob Kreutzfeldt, and Carola Wingren. “Soundscape actions: A tool for noise treatment based on three workshops in landscape architecture.” Frontiers of Architectural Research 6.4 (2017): 504-518.
Cerwén, Gunnar (2016). Urban soundscapes: a quasi-experiment in landscape architecture, Landscape Research, Read as pdf (Manuscript. Published version:
Cerwén, G. 2017. Sound in Landscape Architecture. A Soundscape Approach to Noise. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU Alnarp.
Degen, Monica Montserrat. 2008. Sensing Cities: Regenerating Public Life in Barcelona and Manchester (Routledge Studies in Human Geography). New York: Routledge.
Dyrssen, Catharina. (1998). Eyes Letting Go. I Schafer & Järviluoma (red.) Northern Soundscapes – yearbook of Soundscape studies, vol. 1.
Hedfors & Howell (2011). Urban Sonotopes: Towards a participatory design. Finnish Journal of Urban Studies, 2011:1, vol. 49, 24-43
Hedfors Per. (2003). Site Soundscapes – Landscape Architecture in the Light of Sound. Doktorsavhandling vid Inst. För Stad och Land, SLU, Ultuna. Länk till pdf.
Hellström, Nilsson, Axelsson, Lundén. (2013). Acoustic Design Artifacts and Methods for Urban Soundscapes (4165), published in Journal of Architectural and Planning Research (JAPR). Read as pdf.
Järviluoma, Helmi & Wagstaff, Gregg (eds.) (2002). Soundscape studies and methods. Helsinki: Department of Art, Literature and Music, Univerity of Turku.
Kang, J. & Schulte-Fortkamp, Brigitte (red.) (2016). Soundscape and the built environment. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis
Kang/Yang. (2005) Soundscape and Sound preference in urban squares: A Case study in Sheffield. Journal of Urban Design 10. 2005. Abstract.
Karlsson, Henrik (red.) 1998. From awareness to action. Proceedings from “Stockholm, Hey Listen!”. Stockholm: Kungliga Musikaliska akademien.
Kockelkorn A, Kleilein D, Pagels G und Stabenow C (Redaktörer) 2008 Tuned City – between sound- and space speculation. Kook Books
Pallasmaa, Juhani. 2005. The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses. 2Rev Ed ed. Chichester: Academy Press.
Raimbault, M. Dubois, D. (2005). Urban Soundscapes: Experiences and knowledge. Cities.Vol. 22. Issue 5. Pages 339-350. Abstract.
Rasmussen, Steen Eiler. 1964. Experiencing Architecture – 2nd Edition. London: The Mit Press.
Sasaki, M. (1993). The preference of the various sounds in environment and the discussion about the concept of soundscape design. Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan (E) 14(3),189-195. Abstract.
Schafer R.M. 1977. The Tuning of the World. Alfred A. Knopf. New York.
Southworth, M. (1969). The sonic environment in cities. Environment and Behavior 1: 49-70. Abstract.
Noise and guidelines
Bolin, Nilsson & Khan (2010). The Potential of Natural Sounds to Mask Wind Turbine Noise. Acta acustica united with acustica. 96 (1): 131-137.
Cerwén, Gunnar, Jacob Kreutzfeldt, and Carola Wingren. “Soundscape actions: A tool for noise treatment based on three workshops in landscape architecture.” Frontiers of Architectural Research 6.4 (2017): 504-518.
EU (2002). Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. (L 189). Official of the European Communities: European Union.
European Environment Agency. Research on noise.
EU. About EU:s policy and work against noise.
WHO (2009). Night noise guidelines. Link
WHO. (2018). Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region. Copenhagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. Pdf
WHO (2000). Guidelines for Community Noise (Eds. B. Berglund, T. Lindvall. D. Schwela, & G. Kee-Tai). Geneva: WHO. Link
Blesser, Barry, & Salter, Linda-Ruth. 2006 Spaces Speak, Are You Listening?: Experiencing Aural Architecture. London: The Mit Press.
Böhme, Gernot. 2000. Acoustic Atmospheres. I: Soundscape: The Journal of Acoustic Ecology, vol. 1 Nr. 1 2000. Pdf.
Dyrssen, Catharina. (1998). Eyes Letting Go. I Schafer & Järviluoma (red.) Northern Soundscapes – yearbook of Soundscape studies, vol. 1.
Föllmer Golo. 1999. Klangkunst. Tönende objekte und klingende Räume. Laber-verlag.
Hellström, Dyrssen, Hultqvist, Mossenmark. (2011). Modeling the Shopping Soundscape Culture – What kind of acousmatic environment do you want to hear? Journal of Sonic Studies.
Hellström, Nilsson, Axelsson, Lundén. (2013). Acoustic Design Artifacts and Methods for Urban Soundscapes (4165), published in Journal of Architectural and Planning Research (JAPR). Read as pdf.
Karlsson, Henrik (red.) 1998. From awareness to action. Proceedings from “Stockholm, Hey Listen!”. Stockholm: Kungliga Musikaliska akademien.
LaBelle Brandon. (2006). Background noise: Perspectives on sound art. Continuum international publishing group
Minard, Robin. (1993). Sound Environments. Länk 1999 Silent music – between sound art and acoustic design
Pallasmaa, Juhani. 2005. The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses. 2Rev Ed ed. Chichester: Academy Press.
Rasmussen, Steen Eiler. 1964. Experiencing Architecture – 2nd Edition. London: The Mit Press.
Torehammer, Clas och Hellström Björn. (2012). Nine sound-art installations in public space. Conference paper: InterNoise 2012, New York, 19-22 August 2012
Zumthor, Peter. (2006). Atmospheres: Architectural Environments – Surrounding Objects. 1 ed. Berlin : Birkhauser: Birkhäuser Basel.
Sound art and speakers
Cerwén, Gunnar, Jacob Kreutzfeldt, and Carola Wingren. “Soundscape actions: A tool for noise treatment based on three workshops in landscape architecture.” Frontiers of Architectural Research 6.4 (2017): 504-518.
Cerwén, Gunnar (2016). Urban soundscapes: a quasi-experiment in landscape architecture, Landscape Research, Read as pdf (Manuscript. Published version:
Cerwén, G. 2017. Sound in Landscape Architecture. A Soundscape Approach to Noise. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU Alnarp.
Föllmer Golo. 1999. Klangkunst. Tönende objekte und klingende Räume. Laber-verlag.
Hellström, Dyrssen, Hultqvist, Mossenmark. (2011). Modeling the Shopping Soundscape Culture – What kind of acousmatic environment do you want to hear? Journal of Sonic Studies.
Hellström, Nilsson, Axelsson, Lundén. (2013). Acoustic Design Artifacts and Methods for Urban Soundscapes (4165), published in Journal of Architectural and Planning Research (JAPR). Read as pdf.
Hellström Björn 2001. Modelling of Sounds in Public Space. Conference paper: Sound Practice, College of Arts, Totnes, England, 16-20. Läs som pdf.
Hellström Björn. 2003. Noise Design, Architectural Modelling and the Aesthetics of Urban Acoustic Space. Doktorsavhandling. Bo Ejeby förlag.
Hellström, Björn. (2011). Slow Sound Art – a model for durable audio installations. Vetenskapsrådets yearbook Form och färdriktning.
Karlsson, Henrik (red.) 1998. From awareness to action. Proceedings from “Stockholm, Hey Listen!”. Stockholm: Kungliga Musikaliska akademien.
Kockelkorn A, Kleilein D, Pagels G und Stabenow C (Redaktörer) 2008 Tuned City – between sound- and space speculation. Kook Books
LaBelle Brandon. (2006). Background noise: Perspectives on sound art. Continuum international publishing group
Lacey, Jordan (2016). Sonic rupture: a practice-led approach to urban soundscape design. New York: Bloomsbury Academic
Lacey, Pink, Harvey, Qiu, Sumartojo, Zhao, Moore and Duque. 2017. Transurban innovation grant: Acoustic design interventions for managing motorway traffic noise by cancellation and transformation. Report published by Transurban. RMIT University. Pdf
Minard, Robin. (1993). Sound Environments. Länk 1999 Silent music – between sound art and acoustic design
Stjerna, Åsa (2018). Before sound: transversal processes in site-specific sonic practice. Diss. Göteborg : Göteborgs universitet, 2018. Länk
Torehammer, Clas och Hellström Björn. (2012). Nine sound-art installations in public space. Conference paper: InterNoise 2012, New York, 19-22 August 2012
Bolin, Nilsson & Khan (2010). The Potential of Natural Sounds to Mask Wind Turbine Noise. Acta acustica united with acustica. 96 (1): 131-137.
Brown, A. L. & Rutherford, S. 1994. Using the sound of water in the city, Landscape Australia 2, pp. 103–107. More info.
Cerwén, Wingren & Qviström 2016. Evaluating soundscape intentions in landscape architecture: a study of competition entries for a new cemetery in Järva, Stockholm. Journal of environmental planning and management. Link to pdf. (Manuscript, accepted version:
Cerwén, Gunnar, Jacob Kreutzfeldt, and Carola Wingren. “Soundscape actions: A tool for noise treatment based on three workshops in landscape architecture.” Frontiers of Architectural Research 6.4 (2017): 504-518.
Cerwén, Gunnar (2016). Urban soundscapes: a quasi-experiment in landscape architecture, Landscape Research, Read as pdf (Manuscript. Published version:
Cerwén, G. 2017. Sound in Landscape Architecture. A Soundscape Approach to Noise. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU Alnarp.
Hellström, Dyrssen, Hultqvist, Mossenmark. (2011). Modeling the Shopping Soundscape Culture – What kind of acousmatic environment do you want to hear? Journal of Sonic Studies.
Hellström, Nilsson, Axelsson, Lundén. (2013). Acoustic Design Artifacts and Methods for Urban Soundscapes (4165), published in Journal of Architectural and Planning Research (JAPR). Read as pdf.
Kang, J. & Schulte-Fortkamp, Brigitte (red.) (2016). Soundscape and the built environment. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis
LaBelle Brandon. (2006). Background noise: Perspectives on sound art. Continuum international publishing group
Lacey, Pink, Harvey, Qiu, Sumartojo, Zhao, Moore and Duque. 2017. Transurban innovation grant: Acoustic design interventions for managing motorway traffic noise by cancellation and transformation. Report published by Transurban. RMIT University. Pdf
Nilsson, ME; Alvarsson, J; Radsten-Ekman, M; et al. (2010), Auditory masking of wanted and unwanted sounds in a city park. Noise control engineering Journal, 58 (5): 524-531 SEP 2010. Abstract.
Rådsten-Ekman Maria. 2015. Unwanted wanted sounds: Perception of sounds from water structures in urban soundscapes. Doctoral thesis. Stockholms University. Link
Torehammer, Clas och Hellström Björn. (2012). Nine sound-art installations in public space. Conference paper: InterNoise 2012, New York, 19-22 August 2012
Watts, Chinn & Godfrey (1999). The effects of vegetation on the perception of traffic noise. Applied acoustics. Vol. 56, Issue 1. Pages 39-56. Abstract.
Sounds of nature
Adevi & Lieberg (2011). Stress rehabilitation through garden therapy: A caregiver perspective on factors considered most essential to the recovery process. Urban forestry & urban greening 11. 51-58.
Anderson, Mulligan & Goodman (1984). Effects of vegetation on human response to sound. Journal of Arboriculture. 10(2). Read online.
Bolin, Nilsson & Khan (2010). The Potential of Natural Sounds to Mask Wind Turbine Noise. Acta acustica united with acustica. 96 (1): 131-137.
Brown, A. L. & Rutherford, S. 1994. Using the sound of water in the city, Landscape Australia 2, pp. 103–107. More info.
Cerwén, G., Pedersen, E. & Pálsdóttir, A-M., (2016). The Role of Soundscape in Nature-Based Rehabilitation: A Patient Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 13(12), Läs som pdf
Cerwén, Gunnar, Jacob Kreutzfeldt, and Carola Wingren. “Soundscape actions: A tool for noise treatment based on three workshops in landscape architecture.” Frontiers of Architectural Research 6.4 (2017): 504-518.
Cerwén, Gunnar (2016). Urban soundscapes: a quasi-experiment in landscape architecture, Landscape Research, Read as pdf (Manuscript. Published version:
Cerwén, G. 2017. Sound in Landscape Architecture. A Soundscape Approach to Noise. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU Alnarp.
Dawson (1988). Flight, Fancy and the Garden’s song. Landscape Journal. 7(2):170-175. Abstract
DeGraaf, R.M. (2002).Trees, Shrubs, and Vines for Attracting Birds; University Press of New England: Hanover, NH, USA,
Forman, R.T.T. (2014). Urban Ecology: Science of Cities; Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Kang, J. & Schulte-Fortkamp, Brigitte (red.) (2016). Soundscape and the built environment. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis
Karlsson, Henrik (red.) 1998. From awareness to action. Proceedings from “Stockholm, Hey Listen!”. Stockholm: Kungliga Musikaliska akademien.
Nilsson, ME; Alvarsson, J; Radsten-Ekman, M; et al. (2010), Auditory masking of wanted and unwanted sounds in a city park. Noise control engineering Journal, 58 (5): 524-531 SEP 2010. Abstract.
Rådsten-Ekman Maria. 2015. Unwanted wanted sounds: Perception of sounds from water structures in urban soundscapes. Doctoral thesis. Stockholms University. Link
Saadatmand, Rejeh, Heravi-Karimooi, Tadrisi, Zayeri, Vaismoradi & Jasper (2013). Effect of nature-based sounds intervention on agitation, anxiety, and stress in patients under mechanical ventilator support: A randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies. Vol. 50. Issue 7. Abstract
Sasaki, M. (1993). The preference of the various sounds in environment and the discussion about the concept of soundscape design. Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan (E) 14(3),189-195. Abstract.
Watts, Chinn & Godfrey (1999). The effects of vegetation on the perception of traffic noise. Applied acoustics. Vol. 56, Issue 1. Pages 39-56. Abstract.
Acoustics and screening
Anderson, Mulligan & Goodman (1984). Effects of vegetation on human response to sound. Journal of Arboriculture. 10(2). Read online.
Blesser, Barry, & Salter, Linda-Ruth. 2006 Spaces Speak, Are You Listening?: Experiencing Aural Architecture. London: The Mit Press.
Bucur, Voichita. (2006). Urban forest acoustics. 1st ed. Berlin: Springer
Cerwén, Gunnar, Jacob Kreutzfeldt, and Carola Wingren. “Soundscape actions: A tool for noise treatment based on three workshops in landscape architecture.” Frontiers of Architectural Research 6.4 (2017): 504-518.
Cerwén, Gunnar (2016). Urban soundscapes: a quasi-experiment in landscape architecture, Landscape Research, Read as pdf (Manuscript. Published version:
Cerwén, G. 2017. Sound in Landscape Architecture. A Soundscape Approach to Noise. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU Alnarp.
Hosanna. (2013). Publication from the research project Hosanna, describing effects for different kinds of novel and green solutions for reduction of noise. Hosanna’s homepage | Pdf
Kang, J. & Schulte-Fortkamp, Brigitte (red.) (2016). Soundscape and the built environment. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis
Nilsson, M. E. & Berglund, B. (2006). Noise annoyance and activity disturbance before and after the erection of a roadside noise barrier.Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 119. 2178-2188. Abstract.
Rasmussen, Steen Eiler. 1964. Experiencing Architecture – 2nd Edition. London: The Mit Press.
Design models
Brown A.L., Muhar A. (2004). An Approach to Acoustic design of Outdoor space. Journal of environmental planning and management. Vol. 47. No. 6. 827-842 Read as pdf.
Cerwén, Wingren & Qviström 2016. Evaluating soundscape intentions in landscape architecture: a study of competition entries for a new cemetery in Järva, Stockholm. Journal of environmental planning and management. Link to pdf. (Manuscript, accepted version:
Cerwén, Gunnar, Jacob Kreutzfeldt, and Carola Wingren. “Soundscape actions: A tool for noise treatment based on three workshops in landscape architecture.” Frontiers of Architectural Research 6.4 (2017): 504-518.
Cerwén, G. 2017. Sound in Landscape Architecture. A Soundscape Approach to Noise. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU Alnarp.
Hedfors Per. (2003). Site Soundscapes – Landscape Architecture in the Light of Sound. Doktorsavhandling vid Inst. För Stad och Land, SLU, Ultuna. Länk till pdf.
Hällgren, Nina (2019). Designing with Urban Sound: Exploring methods for qualitative sound analysis of the built environment. Lic.-avh. Stockholm : Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, 2019 Pdf
Kang, J. & Schulte-Fortkamp, Brigitte (red.) (2016). Soundscape and the built environment. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis
Lacey, Jordan (2016). Sonic rupture: a practice-led approach to urban soundscape design. New York: Bloomsbury Academic
Raimbault, M. Dubois, D. (2005). Urban Soundscapes: Experiences and knowledge. Cities.Vol. 22. Issue 5. Pages 339-350. Abstract.
Communicate about sound
Amphoux Pascal. 1993. L’identité sonore des villes Européennes – Guide méthodologique, à l’usage des gestionnaires de la ville, no. 117, Cresson/Irec.
Augoyard, Jean, and Henry Torgue. 2006. Sonic experience: a guide to every day sounds. Montreal: Mc-Gill-Queen’s University Press.
Brown A.L., Muhar A. (2004). An Approach to Acoustic design of Outdoor space. Journal of environmental planning and management. Vol. 47. No. 6. 827-842 Read as pdf.
Cerwén, Gunnar, Jacob Kreutzfeldt, and Carola Wingren. “Soundscape actions: A tool for noise treatment based on three workshops in landscape architecture.” Frontiers of Architectural Research 6.4 (2017): 504-518.
Hedfors & Howell (2011). Urban Sonotopes: Towards a participatory design. Finnish Journal of Urban Studies, 2011:1, vol. 49, 24-43
Hedfors Per. (2003). Site Soundscapes – Landscape Architecture in the Light of Sound. Doktorsavhandling vid Inst. För Stad och Land, SLU, Ultuna. Länk till pdf.
Hellström Björn. 2003. Noise Design, Architectural Modelling and the Aesthetics of Urban Acoustic Space. Doktorsavhandling. Bo Ejeby förlag.
Hällgren, Nina (2019). Designing with Urban Sound: Exploring methods for qualitative sound analysis of the built environment. Lic.-avh. Stockholm : Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, 2019 Pdf
Järviluoma, Helmi & Wagstaff, Gregg (eds.) (2002). Soundscape studies and methods. Helsinki: Department of Art, Literature and Music, Univerity of Turku.
Karlsson, Henrik (red.) 1998. From awareness to action. Proceedings from “Stockholm, Hey Listen!”. Stockholm: Kungliga Musikaliska akademien.
Raimbault, M. Dubois, D. (2005). Urban Soundscapes: Experiences and knowledge. Cities.Vol. 22. Issue 5. Pages 339-350. Abstract.
Schafer, R. M. 1992. A Sound Education: 100 Exercises in Listening and Sound-making. Arcana Editions
Schafer R.M. 1977. The Tuning of the World. Alfred A. Knopf. New York.
Truax. B. 1984. Acoustic Communication. Jersey: Abex Publishing Co.
Sonic experience
Adevi & Lieberg (2011). Stress rehabilitation through garden therapy: A caregiver perspective on factors considered most essential to the recovery process. Urban forestry & urban greening 11. 51-58.
Aletta, Francesco, Tin Oberman, and Jian Kang. 2018. “Associations between Positive Health-Related Effects and Soundscapes Perceptual Constructs: A Systematic Review.” Int J Environ Res Public Health 15 (11). doi: 10.3390/ijerph15112392. Pdf
Alvarsson, Wiens & Nilsson (2010). Stress recovery during exposure to nature sound and environmental noise. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: 7(3), 1036-1046 Read online.
Anderson, Mulligan, Goodman & Regan (1983). Effects of sounds on preferences for outdoor settings. Environ. Behaviour 15(5), 539-556. Abstract
Anderson, Mulligan & Goodman (1984). Effects of vegetation on human response to sound. Journal of Arboriculture. 10(2). Read online.
Annerstedt, Jönsson, Wallergård, Johansson, Karlson, Grahn, Hansen & Währborg (2013). Inducing physiological stress recovery with sounds of nature in a virtual reality forest – results from a pilot study. Physiology & Behavior 118, 240-250.
Augoyard, Jean, and Henry Torgue. 2006. Sonic experience: a guide to every day sounds. Montreal: Mc-Gill-Queen’s University Press.
Berglund, Eriksen & Nilsson (2001). Exploring perceptual content in soundscapes. In: Sommerfeld, Kompass & Lachmann (Red.), Fechner Day (s. 279-284). Lengerich, Germany: Pabst Science Publishers. Read as pdf.
Berglund, & Nilsson (2006). On a tool for measuring soundscape quality in urban residential areas. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 92. Abstract.
Bergman, Västfjäll, Sköld & Fransson (2011). Sound preference as a moderator to restorative environments. Abstract i: Proceedings – 6th Forum Acusticum 2011: Aalborg, 27 June – 1 July. Läs abstract
Blesser, Barry, & Salter, Linda-Ruth. 2006 Spaces Speak, Are You Listening?: Experiencing Aural Architecture. London: The Mit Press.
Bolin, Nilsson & Khan (2010). The Potential of Natural Sounds to Mask Wind Turbine Noise. Acta acustica united with acustica. 96 (1): 131-137.
Böhme, Gernot. 2000. Acoustic Atmospheres. I: Soundscape: The Journal of Acoustic Ecology, vol. 1 Nr. 1 2000. Pdf.
Carles José Luis, Barrio Isabel López och de Luzio José Vicente. (1999). Sound influence on landscape values. Landscape and Urban Planning 43. Abstract
Cerwén, G., Pedersen, E. & Pálsdóttir, A-M., (2016). The Role of Soundscape in Nature-Based Rehabilitation: A Patient Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 13(12), Läs som pdf
Cerwén, Gunnar (2016). Urban soundscapes: a quasi-experiment in landscape architecture, Landscape Research, Read as pdf (Manuscript. Published version:
Cerwén, G. 2017. Sound in Landscape Architecture. A Soundscape Approach to Noise. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU Alnarp.
Degen, Monica Montserrat. 2008. Sensing Cities: Regenerating Public Life in Barcelona and Manchester (Routledge Studies in Human Geography). New York: Routledge.
DeGraaf, R.M. (2002).Trees, Shrubs, and Vines for Attracting Birds; University Press of New England: Hanover, NH, USA,
Dyrssen, Catharina. (1998). Eyes Letting Go. I Schafer & Järviluoma (red.) Northern Soundscapes – yearbook of Soundscape studies, vol. 1.
Eggers, Popp, Legarth, Pedersen, Volk, Bendtsen, Gjestland. (2022). FActors MOderating people’s Subjective reactions to noise. FAMOS Project Report. Link
Gaver, William W. (1993). What in the world do we hear? An ecological approach to auditory source perception. Ecological Psychology 5. Pdf
Gidlöf-Gunnarsson, A., Öhrström, E., & Öhrgren, M. (2007). Noise annoyance and restoration in different courtyard settings: Laboratory experiments on audio-visual interactions. Inter Noise 2007, Istanbul 28-31 August. Paper IN07_117.
Gidlöf-Gunnarsson & Öhrström (2007). Noise and well-being in urban residential environments: The potential role of perceived availability to nearby green areas. Landscape and Urban Planning. Volym 83. Issues 2-3. Pages 115-126
Hellström, Nilsson, Axelsson, Lundén. (2013). Acoustic Design Artifacts and Methods for Urban Soundscapes (4165), published in Journal of Architectural and Planning Research (JAPR). Read as pdf.
Hellström Björn. 2003. Noise Design, Architectural Modelling and the Aesthetics of Urban Acoustic Space. Doktorsavhandling. Bo Ejeby förlag.
Hunter, Eickhoff, Pheasant, Douglas, Watts, Farrow, Hyland, Kang, Wilkinson, Horoshenkov & Woodruff (2010). The state of tranquility: subjective perception is shaped by contextual modulation of auditory connectivity. Neuroimage 53(2) 611-618. Abstract.
Jeon, Lee, Hong & Cabrera (2011). Non-auditory factors affecting urban soundscape evaluation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Vol. 130, Nr. 6 pp. 3761-3770.
Kang, J. & Schulte-Fortkamp, Brigitte (red.) (2016). Soundscape and the built environment. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis
Kang/Yang. (2005) Soundscape and Sound preference in urban squares: A Case study in Sheffield. Journal of Urban Design 10. 2005. Abstract.
Kang. J. (2006). Urban sound environment. Spons Architecture Price Book.
Moore (2004). An introduction to the psychology of hearing. 5. ed. London: Academic Press
Nilsson, M. E. & Berglund, B. (2006). Noise annoyance and activity disturbance before and after the erection of a roadside noise barrier.Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 119. 2178-2188. Abstract.
Nilsson, M. E. & Berglund, B. (2006a). Soundscape quality in suburban green areas and city parks.Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 92. Abstract.
Nilsson, ME; Alvarsson, J; Radsten-Ekman, M; et al. (2010), Auditory masking of wanted and unwanted sounds in a city park. Noise control engineering Journal, 58 (5): 524-531 SEP 2010. Abstract.
Nilsson, M. E. (2007). Soundscape quality in urban open spaces. Proceedings from Inter-noise 2007 conference.
Pallasmaa, Juhani. 2005. The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses. 2Rev Ed ed. Chichester: Academy Press.
Pedersen, E; Larsman, P. (2008). The impact of visual factors on noise annoyance among people living in the vicinity of wind turbines. Journal of environmental psychology, 28 (4): 379-389 DEC 2008. Google scholar.
Rasmussen, Steen Eiler. 1964. Experiencing Architecture – 2nd Edition. London: The Mit Press.
Rådsten-Ekman Maria. 2015. Unwanted wanted sounds: Perception of sounds from water structures in urban soundscapes. Doctoral thesis. Stockholms University. Link
Saadatmand, Rejeh, Heravi-Karimooi, Tadrisi, Zayeri, Vaismoradi & Jasper (2013). Effect of nature-based sounds intervention on agitation, anxiety, and stress in patients under mechanical ventilator support: A randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies. Vol. 50. Issue 7. Abstract
Sasaki, M. (1993). The preference of the various sounds in environment and the discussion about the concept of soundscape design. Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan (E) 14(3),189-195. Abstract.
Schafer R.M. 1977. The Tuning of the World. Alfred A. Knopf. New York.
Southworth, M. (1969). The sonic environment in cities. Environment and Behavior 1: 49-70. Abstract.
Truax. B. 1984. Acoustic Communication. Jersey: Abex Publishing Co.
Van Renterghem, Timothy. 2018. “Towards explaining the positive effect of vegetation on the perception of environmental noise.” Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. doi:
Viollon, S. Lavandier, C. & Drake, C. (2002). Influence of visual setting on sound ratings in an urban environment. Applied Acoustics. Volume 63, Issue 5, Pages 493–511. | Abstract
Watts, Chinn & Godfrey (1999). The effects of vegetation on the perception of traffic noise. Applied acoustics. Vol. 56, Issue 1. Pages 39-56. Abstract.
WHO (2011) Burden of disease from environmental noise. Quantification of healthy life years lost in Europe. Link
WHO. (2018). Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region. Copenhagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. Pdf
Zumthor, Peter. (2006). Atmospheres: Architectural Environments – Surrounding Objects. 1 ed. Berlin : Birkhauser: Birkhäuser Basel.
Öhrström, E. Skånberg, Svensson, H., & Gidlöf-Gunnarsson A. (2006). Effects of road traffic noise and the benefit of access to quietness. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 295. 40-59. (Abstract)
General about the experience of sound
Augoyard, Jean, and Henry Torgue. 2006. Sonic experience: a guide to every day sounds. Montreal: Mc-Gill-Queen’s University Press.
Berglund, Eriksen & Nilsson (2001). Exploring perceptual content in soundscapes. In: Sommerfeld, Kompass & Lachmann (Red.), Fechner Day (s. 279-284). Lengerich, Germany: Pabst Science Publishers. Read as pdf.
Berglund, & Nilsson (2006). On a tool for measuring soundscape quality in urban residential areas. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 92. Abstract.
Blesser, Barry, & Salter, Linda-Ruth. 2006 Spaces Speak, Are You Listening?: Experiencing Aural Architecture. London: The Mit Press.
Böhme, Gernot. 2000. Acoustic Atmospheres. I: Soundscape: The Journal of Acoustic Ecology, vol. 1 Nr. 1 2000. Pdf.
Cerwén, Gunnar (2016). Urban soundscapes: a quasi-experiment in landscape architecture, Landscape Research, Read as pdf (Manuscript. Published version:
Cerwén, G. 2017. Sound in Landscape Architecture. A Soundscape Approach to Noise. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU Alnarp.
Degen, Monica Montserrat. 2008. Sensing Cities: Regenerating Public Life in Barcelona and Manchester (Routledge Studies in Human Geography). New York: Routledge.
Dyrssen, Catharina. (1998). Eyes Letting Go. I Schafer & Järviluoma (red.) Northern Soundscapes – yearbook of Soundscape studies, vol. 1.
Gaver, William W. (1993). What in the world do we hear? An ecological approach to auditory source perception. Ecological Psychology 5. Pdf
Hellström, Nilsson, Axelsson, Lundén. (2013). Acoustic Design Artifacts and Methods for Urban Soundscapes (4165), published in Journal of Architectural and Planning Research (JAPR). Read as pdf.
Hellström Björn. 2003. Noise Design, Architectural Modelling and the Aesthetics of Urban Acoustic Space. Doktorsavhandling. Bo Ejeby förlag.
Kang, J. & Schulte-Fortkamp, Brigitte (red.) (2016). Soundscape and the built environment. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis
Kang. J. (2006). Urban sound environment. Spons Architecture Price Book.
Moore (2004). An introduction to the psychology of hearing. 5. ed. London: Academic Press
Nilsson, M. E. (2007). Soundscape quality in urban open spaces. Proceedings from Inter-noise 2007 conference.
Pallasmaa, Juhani. 2005. The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses. 2Rev Ed ed. Chichester: Academy Press.
Rasmussen, Steen Eiler. 1964. Experiencing Architecture – 2nd Edition. London: The Mit Press.
Sasaki, M. (1993). The preference of the various sounds in environment and the discussion about the concept of soundscape design. Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan (E) 14(3),189-195. Abstract.
Schafer R.M. 1977. The Tuning of the World. Alfred A. Knopf. New York.
Southworth, M. (1969). The sonic environment in cities. Environment and Behavior 1: 49-70. Abstract.
Truax. B. 1984. Acoustic Communication. Jersey: Abex Publishing Co.
Nature sound against stress
Adevi & Lieberg (2011). Stress rehabilitation through garden therapy: A caregiver perspective on factors considered most essential to the recovery process. Urban forestry & urban greening 11. 51-58.
Aletta, Francesco, Tin Oberman, and Jian Kang. 2018. “Associations between Positive Health-Related Effects and Soundscapes Perceptual Constructs: A Systematic Review.” Int J Environ Res Public Health 15 (11). doi: 10.3390/ijerph15112392. Pdf
Alvarsson, Wiens & Nilsson (2010). Stress recovery during exposure to nature sound and environmental noise. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: 7(3), 1036-1046 Read online.
Annerstedt, Jönsson, Wallergård, Johansson, Karlson, Grahn, Hansen & Währborg (2013). Inducing physiological stress recovery with sounds of nature in a virtual reality forest – results from a pilot study. Physiology & Behavior 118, 240-250.
Bergman, Västfjäll, Sköld & Fransson (2011). Sound preference as a moderator to restorative environments. Abstract i: Proceedings – 6th Forum Acusticum 2011: Aalborg, 27 June – 1 July. Läs abstract
Cerwén, G., Pedersen, E. & Pálsdóttir, A-M., (2016). The Role of Soundscape in Nature-Based Rehabilitation: A Patient Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 13(12), Läs som pdf
Cerwén, G. 2017. Sound in Landscape Architecture. A Soundscape Approach to Noise. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU Alnarp.
DeGraaf, R.M. (2002).Trees, Shrubs, and Vines for Attracting Birds; University Press of New England: Hanover, NH, USA,
Hunter, Eickhoff, Pheasant, Douglas, Watts, Farrow, Hyland, Kang, Wilkinson, Horoshenkov & Woodruff (2010). The state of tranquility: subjective perception is shaped by contextual modulation of auditory connectivity. Neuroimage 53(2) 611-618. Abstract.
Rådsten-Ekman Maria. 2015. Unwanted wanted sounds: Perception of sounds from water structures in urban soundscapes. Doctoral thesis. Stockholms University. Link
Saadatmand, Rejeh, Heravi-Karimooi, Tadrisi, Zayeri, Vaismoradi & Jasper (2013). Effect of nature-based sounds intervention on agitation, anxiety, and stress in patients under mechanical ventilator support: A randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies. Vol. 50. Issue 7. Abstract
Watts, Chinn & Godfrey (1999). The effects of vegetation on the perception of traffic noise. Applied acoustics. Vol. 56, Issue 1. Pages 39-56. Abstract.
Experience of sounds in interaction with other factors
Adevi & Lieberg (2011). Stress rehabilitation through garden therapy: A caregiver perspective on factors considered most essential to the recovery process. Urban forestry & urban greening 11. 51-58.
Alvarsson, Wiens & Nilsson (2010). Stress recovery during exposure to nature sound and environmental noise. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: 7(3), 1036-1046 Read online.
Anderson, Mulligan, Goodman & Regan (1983). Effects of sounds on preferences for outdoor settings. Environ. Behaviour 15(5), 539-556. Abstract
Anderson, Mulligan & Goodman (1984). Effects of vegetation on human response to sound. Journal of Arboriculture. 10(2). Read online.
Annerstedt, Jönsson, Wallergård, Johansson, Karlson, Grahn, Hansen & Währborg (2013). Inducing physiological stress recovery with sounds of nature in a virtual reality forest – results from a pilot study. Physiology & Behavior 118, 240-250.
Augoyard, Jean, and Henry Torgue. 2006. Sonic experience: a guide to every day sounds. Montreal: Mc-Gill-Queen’s University Press.
Blesser, Barry, & Salter, Linda-Ruth. 2006 Spaces Speak, Are You Listening?: Experiencing Aural Architecture. London: The Mit Press.
Bolin, Nilsson & Khan (2010). The Potential of Natural Sounds to Mask Wind Turbine Noise. Acta acustica united with acustica. 96 (1): 131-137.
Böhme, Gernot. 2000. Acoustic Atmospheres. I: Soundscape: The Journal of Acoustic Ecology, vol. 1 Nr. 1 2000. Pdf.
Carles José Luis, Barrio Isabel López och de Luzio José Vicente. (1999). Sound influence on landscape values. Landscape and Urban Planning 43. Abstract
Cerwén, G., Pedersen, E. & Pálsdóttir, A-M., (2016). The Role of Soundscape in Nature-Based Rehabilitation: A Patient Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 13(12), Läs som pdf
Cerwén, Gunnar (2016). Urban soundscapes: a quasi-experiment in landscape architecture, Landscape Research, Read as pdf (Manuscript. Published version:
Cerwén, G. 2017. Sound in Landscape Architecture. A Soundscape Approach to Noise. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU Alnarp.
Eggers, Popp, Legarth, Pedersen, Volk, Bendtsen, Gjestland. (2022). FActors MOderating people’s Subjective reactions to noise. FAMOS Project Report. Link
Gidlöf-Gunnarsson, A., Öhrström, E., & Öhrgren, M. (2007). Noise annoyance and restoration in different courtyard settings: Laboratory experiments on audio-visual interactions. Inter Noise 2007, Istanbul 28-31 August. Paper IN07_117.
Gidlöf-Gunnarsson & Öhrström (2007). Noise and well-being in urban residential environments: The potential role of perceived availability to nearby green areas. Landscape and Urban Planning. Volym 83. Issues 2-3. Pages 115-126
Hunter, Eickhoff, Pheasant, Douglas, Watts, Farrow, Hyland, Kang, Wilkinson, Horoshenkov & Woodruff (2010). The state of tranquility: subjective perception is shaped by contextual modulation of auditory connectivity. Neuroimage 53(2) 611-618. Abstract.
Jeon, Lee, Hong & Cabrera (2011). Non-auditory factors affecting urban soundscape evaluation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Vol. 130, Nr. 6 pp. 3761-3770.
Kang, J. & Schulte-Fortkamp, Brigitte (red.) (2016). Soundscape and the built environment. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis
Kang. J. (2006). Urban sound environment. Spons Architecture Price Book.
Nilsson, M. E. & Berglund, B. (2006). Noise annoyance and activity disturbance before and after the erection of a roadside noise barrier.Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 119. 2178-2188. Abstract.
Nilsson, M. E. & Berglund, B. (2006a). Soundscape quality in suburban green areas and city parks.Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 92. Abstract.
Nilsson, ME; Alvarsson, J; Radsten-Ekman, M; et al. (2010), Auditory masking of wanted and unwanted sounds in a city park. Noise control engineering Journal, 58 (5): 524-531 SEP 2010. Abstract.
Pallasmaa, Juhani. 2005. The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses. 2Rev Ed ed. Chichester: Academy Press.
Pedersen, E; Larsman, P. (2008). The impact of visual factors on noise annoyance among people living in the vicinity of wind turbines. Journal of environmental psychology, 28 (4): 379-389 DEC 2008. Google scholar.
Sasaki, M. (1993). The preference of the various sounds in environment and the discussion about the concept of soundscape design. Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan (E) 14(3),189-195. Abstract.
Schafer R.M. 1977. The Tuning of the World. Alfred A. Knopf. New York.
Southworth, M. (1969). The sonic environment in cities. Environment and Behavior 1: 49-70. Abstract.
Truax. B. 1984. Acoustic Communication. Jersey: Abex Publishing Co.
Van Renterghem, Timothy. 2018. “Towards explaining the positive effect of vegetation on the perception of environmental noise.” Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. doi:
Viollon, S. Lavandier, C. & Drake, C. (2002). Influence of visual setting on sound ratings in an urban environment. Applied Acoustics. Volume 63, Issue 5, Pages 493–511. | Abstract
Watts, Chinn & Godfrey (1999). The effects of vegetation on the perception of traffic noise. Applied acoustics. Vol. 56, Issue 1. Pages 39-56. Abstract.
Öhrström, E. Skånberg, Svensson, H., & Gidlöf-Gunnarsson A. (2006). Effects of road traffic noise and the benefit of access to quietness. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 295. 40-59. (Abstract)
Blesser, Barry, & Salter, Linda-Ruth. 2006 Spaces Speak, Are You Listening?: Experiencing Aural Architecture. London: The Mit Press.
Gaver, William W. (1993). What in the world do we hear? An ecological approach to auditory source perception. Ecological Psychology 5. Pdf
Moore (2004). An introduction to the psychology of hearing. 5. ed. London: Academic Press
Truax. B. 1984. Acoustic Communication. Jersey: Abex Publishing Co.
Health effects of noise
Cerwén, G. 2017. Sound in Landscape Architecture. A Soundscape Approach to Noise. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU Alnarp.
Eggers, Popp, Legarth, Pedersen, Volk, Bendtsen, Gjestland. (2022). FActors MOderating people’s Subjective reactions to noise. FAMOS Project Report. Link
Kang, J. & Schulte-Fortkamp, Brigitte (red.) (2016). Soundscape and the built environment. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis
WHO (2011) Burden of disease from environmental noise. Quantification of healthy life years lost in Europe. Link
WHO. (2018). Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region. Copenhagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. Pdf
Quality and atmosphere
Augoyard, Jean, and Henry Torgue. 2006. Sonic experience: a guide to every day sounds. Montreal: Mc-Gill-Queen’s University Press.
Blesser, Barry, & Salter, Linda-Ruth. 2006 Spaces Speak, Are You Listening?: Experiencing Aural Architecture. London: The Mit Press.
Böhme, Gernot. 2000. Acoustic Atmospheres. I: Soundscape: The Journal of Acoustic Ecology, vol. 1 Nr. 1 2000. Pdf.
Dyrssen, Catharina. (1998). Eyes Letting Go. I Schafer & Järviluoma (red.) Northern Soundscapes – yearbook of Soundscape studies, vol. 1.
Hellström Björn. 2003. Noise Design, Architectural Modelling and the Aesthetics of Urban Acoustic Space. Doktorsavhandling. Bo Ejeby förlag.
Nilsson, ME; Alvarsson, J; Radsten-Ekman, M; et al. (2010), Auditory masking of wanted and unwanted sounds in a city park. Noise control engineering Journal, 58 (5): 524-531 SEP 2010. Abstract.
Rasmussen, Steen Eiler. 1964. Experiencing Architecture – 2nd Edition. London: The Mit Press.
Sasaki, M. (1993). The preference of the various sounds in environment and the discussion about the concept of soundscape design. Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan (E) 14(3),189-195. Abstract.
Schafer R.M. 1977. The Tuning of the World. Alfred A. Knopf. New York.
Truax. B. 1984. Acoustic Communication. Jersey: Abex Publishing Co.
Zumthor, Peter. (2006). Atmospheres: Architectural Environments – Surrounding Objects. 1 ed. Berlin : Birkhauser: Birkhäuser Basel.
Which sounds are most appreciated?
Berglund, Eriksen & Nilsson (2001). Exploring perceptual content in soundscapes. In: Sommerfeld, Kompass & Lachmann (Red.), Fechner Day (s. 279-284). Lengerich, Germany: Pabst Science Publishers. Read as pdf.
Berglund, & Nilsson (2006). On a tool for measuring soundscape quality in urban residential areas. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 92. Abstract.
Carles José Luis, Barrio Isabel López och de Luzio José Vicente. (1999). Sound influence on landscape values. Landscape and Urban Planning 43. Abstract
Cerwén, G., Pedersen, E. & Pálsdóttir, A-M., (2016). The Role of Soundscape in Nature-Based Rehabilitation: A Patient Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 13(12), Läs som pdf
Kang, J. & Schulte-Fortkamp, Brigitte (red.) (2016). Soundscape and the built environment. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis
Kang/Yang. (2005) Soundscape and Sound preference in urban squares: A Case study in Sheffield. Journal of Urban Design 10. 2005. Abstract.
Kang. J. (2006). Urban sound environment. Spons Architecture Price Book.
Nilsson, M. E. & Berglund, B. (2006). Noise annoyance and activity disturbance before and after the erection of a roadside noise barrier.Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 119. 2178-2188. Abstract.
Nilsson, M. E. & Berglund, B. (2006a). Soundscape quality in suburban green areas and city parks.Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 92. Abstract.
Nilsson, M. E. (2007). Soundscape quality in urban open spaces. Proceedings from Inter-noise 2007 conference.
Rådsten-Ekman Maria. 2015. Unwanted wanted sounds: Perception of sounds from water structures in urban soundscapes. Doctoral thesis. Stockholms University. Link
Sasaki, M. (1993). The preference of the various sounds in environment and the discussion about the concept of soundscape design. Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan (E) 14(3),189-195. Abstract.
Schafer R.M. 1977. The Tuning of the World. Alfred A. Knopf. New York.
Southworth, M. (1969). The sonic environment in cities. Environment and Behavior 1: 49-70. Abstract.