Thesis on representation of sound
Published: 2019-02-02
A new licentiate-thesis in artchitecture dealing with representation and communication of sound, and developing tools and methods to work with sound in a qualitative way. Pdf
Hällgren, Nina (2019). Designing with Urban Sound: Exploring methods for qualitative sound analysis of the built environment. Lic.-avh. Stockholm : Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, 2019
New thesis on sound art
Published: 2019-02-02
New PhD thesis that develops our understanding for transversal processes within sound art. Link
Stjerna, Åsa (2018). Before sound: transversal processes in site-specific sonic practice. Diss. Göteborg : Göteborgs universitet, 2018
Can speaker sounds improve the perception of traffic noise?
Published: 2019-02-02
A research project in Australia has investigated if speaker sounds can be used to improve the perception of noise. Two approaches were tested, one was to retune the noise to give it a more musical character, and one was active noise reduction (i.e. cancellation of the phases). An etnographic study provided insights as to how the experience was affected. The project report is available online containing links to interesting sound examples.